
Integrating both a LCD display and a rotary encoder, the PiLCD provides a convienent and compact way for the Raspberry Pi to interact with the users.  Interfacing to Raspberry Pi via the wiringPi library, the 16x2 LCD display combined with the rotary encoder to give your Raspberry Pi project a powerful user interface beyond simple LEDs and push buttons.

Orginally conceived as an user interface gateway for Lego Mindstorms robots for science museum deployment.  The PiLCD has found other uses such as IP display for a private WAP or a web access server for the PiMSO project.

W x D x H
105mm x 69mm x 38mm(w/o knob) 52mm(inc knob)
PiLCD_Kit PiLCD kit
Raspberry Pi Model B not included

Kit includes: precision lasercut enclosure, fully tested PCB with LCD and rotary encoder switch, Raspberry Pi Model B not included
$75Buy Now